Tuesday 20 December 2011

127 hours movie review

as you know im not attend to bel120's class. so i had been inform by shu to write about this movie review in a piece of paper. but just know i've been told by mai that it should be in a blog too. okay. i try my best to finish this entry.

127 hours is about a man who had survive in his life by going through the adventure by himself. He try to survive by drink his urine and cut his leg because of a accident.
for me,this movie kind a freak. scary. seriously. but,i didnt watch it so this is just my opinion. i asked some of my friend and they say that they afraid to watch it because of some scene that full of blood.

seriously,i've tried my best to search this movie or trailer but this wireless keeping low connection T_T
i got no money to go to cyber cafe. anyone want to treat me? ^^,

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